Cleanup position

Harvey Siegel, President, Coit Cleaning & Restoration Services

When customers call Coit Cleaning & Restoration Services to clean draperies, upholstery, carpet, air ducts or area rugs, technicians will work hard to deliver more than the desired service ― far above expectations actually. They strive to deliver what Coit calls unanticipated service. Comments such as, “Wow,” “I couldn’t imagine,” and “I never thought,” are common.
It all starts with the philosophy that President Harvey Siegel and all Coit employees, regardless of their position or day-to-day role, are customer service representatives.  Employees are trained to provide professional, superior service while providing on-time quality workmanship the first time. They are responsible for making and keeping time commitments to customers and alert the customer as soon as possible in the unlikely event of a delay.
Training lasts from five days to as lengthy as eight weeks. New employees ride along with drivers and technicians to learn how services are conducted. Then to reinforce what they have learned, employees receive ongoing training at daily Morning Huddles, monthly webinars and monthly growth meetings.
A primary goal is to receive positive word-of-mouth ― achieving such high ratings from customers that they will recommend Coit to friends, neighbors and relatives. A recently formed change committee reviews ideas submitted to the suggestion box and then submits them to management for further review. The committee is guided by the motto, “One man’s problem is another man’s solution.” To this end, management works with employees to create a positive environment and to continue to improve their work experience.
An annual anonymous survey allows employees to give feedback about how they feel about working for Coit.
Then, additionally, the “4-R Guarantee” sets customers’ minds at ease. It states that if a customer is not completely satisfied, Coit will reclean the area or item, refund the money if still unsatisfied, repair any damage and rectify the situation through a credit for the item’s current cash value.
How to reach: Coit Cleaning & Restoration Services, (216) 626-0040 or