Chris St. Hilaire: How to build buzz for your business

Chris St. Hilaire, President and CEO, M4 Strategies

Let’s say you can pitch your business like Moses delivering the Ten Commandments − your passion and energy will make a believer of just about anybody. Unfortunately, there is only one of you, and there are multitudes of people who need to hear your message. 
Yes, technology has changed business communication, but one fact remains as true for you as it was for Moses: nothing beats word of mouth. For that, you need people – advocates − and you need to arm those advocates with memorable messages about your organization.
Who are your potential advocates? Any person within your company or outside of it who can speak on your behalf − customers, vendors, clients, employees, salespeople, service reps and so forth. Advocates are invaluable when you’re implementing a particular strategy or promoting a new product or service. But just as important, advocates can build ongoing buzz for your business by passing along positive messages about your company whenever the opportunity arises.
To arm your advocates most effectively, think like a politician. Give your advocates talking points − succinct, specific messages that support the larger story. You can give different advocates different talking points, but don’t give any one person more than three. The following types of talking points are especially memorable and persuasive.
Statistics, trends, and other numbers 
People remember numbers, whether it’s calories or horsepower or hamburgers served. To find the numbers just mine your own data. Has business increased 20 percent each year? Did you receive 15 e-mails from satisfied customers in a single month? Do you have 36 positive ratings on Yelp? Are 80 percent of your clientele return customers?  If your business is too new to have impressive numbers of its own, broaden your search to the field. Find statistics that support the cost-effectiveness or other benefits of businesses like yours.
Third-party validation
Politicians seek endorsements of influential groups and individuals to add credibility to their campaigns. Third-party validation is just as effective in promoting your business. Within your organization, that might mean a vote of confidence from various departments or from clients; but keep in mind that it must be specific. Telling your employees that you’re getting positive customer feedback is nice, but vague. Instead, give your team leaders specific talking points to pass along, such as, “The president of Able Corp. said this was the fastest turnaround of any company he’s hired. He’s thrilled.”  For advocates who will be spreading the word to the outside world, think like a movie marketer and provide “blurbs” from your most impressive clients or from positive coverage in print or on web sites. Comb consumer review sites for memorable quotes that you can turn into talking points. For example, “One customer called us the da Vinci of carpet cleaners.” Obviously, awards you have won are the most succinct and impressive type of third-party validation.
Track record
The longer you have been in business, the more talking points you can develop from your track record. Have you been in the same location for 10 years? Have you met every deadline for the past six months? Is yours a family business that goes back two generations? Encourage your best customers and clients to visit sites like Yelp and Angie’s List, where their positive reviews will build an instant track record if your business is new or fortify your track record if you are already established.
It’s worth taking the time to brainstorm talking points about your business in general, particularly important upcoming projects, as well as to list all the people who could be your advocates. Keep in mind that the folks your advocates talk to will also be able to spread the word, meaning they will then become your advocates. That’s why your talking points must be easy to remember. Keep them brief and use a colorful quote or a specific number to make them go a long way.
Chris St. Hilaire is the author (with Lynette Padwa) of 27 Powers of Persuasion: Simple Strategies to Seduce Audiences and Win Allies (Prentice Hall Press). He is an award-winning message strategist who has developed communications programs for some of the nation’s most powerful corporations, legal teams, and politicians. Reach him at [email protected]