Chris Blase looks for leaders at Buildingstars Inc.

Put in the time
One of the first things Chris Blase does when he’s looking at a prospective franchisee is ask the person to put together a business plan.
“Have the prospective franchisee go through a very in-depth process to prove that they are competent or capable of managing that unit,” says Blase, founder and president at Buildingstars Inc. “The biggest mistake that companies make is they base the decision on that person’s ability to invest versus their ability to perform.”
The 48-employee franchise cleaning company has more than 1,700 customers and took in $20 million in 2009 revenue.
If you find that you’re not recruiting effective leaders for your business, assess your recruiting style and the questions that you’re asking.
“Am I identifying the same skills and using the same criteria that I would use in hiring a competent manager?” Blase says.
Set aside the investment aspect of franchising and focus on the basics of leadership skill and competence. Make it clear that you want to work with the person to help them grow.
At the same time, you need to stay in touch with customers to get their feedback on how your leader is doing.
“It’s important to be in touch with the perceptions of the customers and hear their positive viewpoints and negative viewpoints,” Blase says.
How to reach: Buildingstars Inc., (866) 991-3356 or