Chef executive

All in the family

It’s been a year since the acquisition. Sheila O’Connell Cooper was named CEO of the company, while Christopher remains as chairman of the board and is still very active in the strategic vision of company.

Christopher is by no means ready to exit her company, but when that time comes, she knows it will be in competent hands. That, she says, is why she sold to Berkshire Hathaway now instead of in five or 10 years, when the pressure to sell would be much greater.

"There was no reason why we had to do this at this point: No financial crisis, no health problems, nothing at all," Christopher says. "The business is alive and well and thriving, as am I. And I intend to be here for the long term.

"But being here through the transition and being able to see that through was the prudent thing to do."

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