Charming Charlie grows by listening to customers

Charles Chanaratsopon, founder and CEO, Charming Charlie
Charles Chanaratsopon, founder and CEO, Charming Charlie

The Chanaratsopon file

Charles Chanaratsopon
founder and CEO
Charming Charlie

Born: Houston, Texas
Education: I attended Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and received my MBA from Columbia University in New York City.
What was your first job out of college, and what did you learn from it?
I was a financial analyst at a bank, and I learned how to access money, how to put capital together, and how to understand a balance sheet and the ins and outs of financing businesses. I also learned about what makes a business work and what makes a business fail and the different metrics and how to measure against it.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
I wish I could fly. I always had dreams of flying as a kid. It felt pretty real in my dreams, so it would be pretty interesting to be able to fly around like Iron Man or Superman.
If you could invite any three people you wanted, living or not, to a dinner party, whom would you invite?
Rodger Federer, Warren Buffett and Barack Obama. I would be curious about how they think.