Call for nominations: Ernst and Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award

Smart Business is honored to be part of Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards as its local print media sponsor in several markets across the country.
Since its founding in 1986, the Entrepreneur Of The Year program has recognized more than 8,000 deserving entrepreneurs nationwide. The 2011 finalist and winners will be featured in Smart Business’ July issue as a special program report.
Who is Eligible?
The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year awards recognizes men and women who put everything on the line in order to translate an idea to viable, sustainable enterprise. A nominee can be a founder, president, or chief executive officer of a private or public company who is primarily responsible for the recent performance of the company and an active member of top management. The nominee’s company must be at least three years old. With this criteria in mind, we invite you to  nominate your clients, colleagues, and even yourself for this prestigious award.
The Entrepreneur Of The Year independent judging panel consists of local leaders in business, including past award recipients. Smart Business and Ernst & Young do not participate in the judging process. Nominations will be accepted through March 18, 2011.
If you are interested in pursuing our nominations for this prestigious award, or if you have any questions please contact Director of Marketing John Lotenero at (440) 250-7013 or [email protected].
We look forward to helping you get the recognition you and your business deserve.