Building blocks

Chip Bullock, managing principal, Atlanta, HDR CUH2A
Chip Bullock, managing principal, Atlanta, HDR CUH2A

The Bullock file

Chip Bullock
managing principal, Atlanta

Born: Chattanooga, Tenn.
Education: University of Tennessee in Knoxville School of Architecture
What was your first job as a kid?
My first job ever was working for a commercial woodworking, fence and sign company, where we built very large, heavy-timbered wood constructions for commercial clients. I worked with heavy machinery, lots of heavy manual labor. I learned really quickly that there wasn’t any room for creativity on my part in that kind of job. My boss would tell me, ‘I figured out exactly the most efficient way to do this — you don’t need to think about it; you do it the way I’m telling you to do it.’ My boss happened to be a retired Lockheed engineer.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I had two lines of thought — I either wanted to be a road construction civil engineer like my grandfather, or I wanted to be a mechanical engineer that designed high-performance automobiles, and my third choice was an architect. I chose architecture because I liked to draw so much.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
The best advice I’ve ever received is you’ll only get one chance to make your case for a change order, and only a fool would be willing to attempt to argue about the end result after that. That was my grandfather, who was the road-building construction contractor.