Building blocks

Communicate the good and the
For me, it’s at the core
of my being, but I have
always wanted to work in an
environment [of], ‘Just tell
me where I stand. Give me
the mission, step back, tell
me if I have accomplished it
or not’ — that direct, honest,
continuing communication.

It’s good in every part of
your life. Whether it’s your
relationship, whether it’s
your business relationship,
whether it’s your relationship
with outside business interface, it’s all good.

Nobody can ever do better
if they don’t understand what
they’ve done is either right
or wrong, good or bad. How
can you, if all you do is you
write memos to people’s personnel file when they screw
up? How will they ever know
when they’ve really done
something well, that somebody took notice?

How many of us in our lifetime said, ‘Well, they sure
never tapped me on the back
when I knocked one out of
the ballpark. Boy, I sure
don’t hear anything when I
brought the job in early.’

Well, that’s not so. We talk
about errors, mistakes, oversights and, at the same time,
going around the circle talking to the manager or the
superintendent. I’ll say, ‘Let
me just stop and say thank
you because if you guys don’t
know this, so-and-so just
brought their job in. I will tell
you, it is one for us to all sit
up and be proud for.’

I really talk about it. It’s
good feedback, and it’s the
hierarchy of family. It’s the
hierarchy of business. It’s the
hierarchy of humans. I’ve
always thought that people
will never work harder when
you give them more money,
but they’ll work really effectively and be committed to
the mission if they get feedback that they are on the
right track and doing well.
Because who doesn’t love

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