Broad horizons

Q. How do you get everyone
on board with big changes?

I do believe in being open
and honest with people from
the start.

My first day on the job, literally, my first interaction
with the old employees was
based on what I felt some of
the changes were that we
needed to make.

Specifically, I told them
that we need to introduce a
more robust sales and marketing culture into the company. I was going to bring on
a sales leader who had a lot
of experience. So they heard
that from me, literally, from
minute one.

Then what you have to do is
be consistent, and then follow through. I made it a point
to not promise a hundred
things but really talk about a
few things and ensure that I
could follow through on them
— that these weren’t lofty 20-years-from-now activities but
things that were going to happen in the next 12 months
that I could demonstrate
credibility and deliver on.

I promised them I would
have a head of sales in place
in the first half of the year.
We actually exceeded expectations on that and hired him
in April.

So people heard from me
early, heard from me with
clarity and saw that I delivered on some of those initial
items I talked about.

HOW TO REACH: Integrated Broadband Services LLC, (770) 387-2053 or