Blossoming out

William Day, president, St. Barnabas Health System

The convalescent St. Barnabas Free Home for Boys and Men was on the verge of financial collapse in 1967 when William Day was called as a consultant to study whether the facility could survive or not. After analyzing the operation of the home, which then had only 63 beds, he recommended that it not only stay open but expand into what would become a renowned 2,000-person health campus.
Day was offered the chance to implement the changes. He had just completed 25 years of service with the Pittsburgh Steelers organization and felt confident that he could bring about reorganization. The first step was to ensure that the nonprofit St. Barnabas was not solely dependent on government funding. Day created a sustainable model that was able to thrive and grow, and opened the doors to all people.
Today, the St. Barnabas Health System operates with no debt, provides services to more than 2,000 residents and employs more than 600 people. More than 40,000 are served annually at its outpatient medical center.
Day says the success is due to meeting the ever-changing needs and demands of the local and regional communities. He has overseen the development of everything from nursing homes to a library and from a conservatory to an auto repair center.
While it was necessary to borrow funds to renovate in the late 1970s, Day didn’t believe in debt. Nevertheless, he personally managed it and aggressively paid it off in 32 months.
Employees are treated as valuable assets and important partners in providing excellent service. The culture, in a few words, is based on wanting to win. Day believes people want to support and work for a well-run, well-managed workplace. Awards recognize employees for years of service and for other special honors, such as employee of the month and year and for the One Great Idea Program.
How to reach: St. Barnabas Health System, (412) 481-0600 or