Q. How do you develop
adaptable employees?
Some people are built to
adapt to change quickly and
with few problems. Other
people just aren’t that way.
Some people can be trained
that way to be more accepting of change.
But I think that if you look
back, it’s helpful to try during
the interview process to paint
the worst possible picture of
the job. That way, when someone walks in, they don’t have
some notion of the job, of
what it is going to be or not
going to be.
It can be that you were
working on something this
week and you have to change
direction the following week.
Another priority may come
up, and you might be asked
to work on something else.
We paint that in the worst
possible light.
You’re going to be pulled in
10 different directions, you’re
going to have to work autonomously and be held accountable at the end of the quarter
for the results. We make it
sound awful, and the ones
that are game for that are the
ones we hire.
The ones who aren’t, they’re
typically not going to want to
work for us. That’s good for
us, because I’d rather figure
that out during the interview
process than 90 days later
when they’re unhappy and
not performing.
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