SS&G Financial Services
SS&G Financial Services embarked on its
wellness agenda three years ago when it
started offering CEO Bootcamp, an intense
six-week course composed of fitness drills
and nutrition goals.
The course was well-received, so last year,
SS&G formally launched a comprehensive
employee wellness plan, taking CEO
Bootcamp to the next level with an ultimate
goal to decrease absenteeism, increase productivity, reduce medical claims, and
improve recruitment and retention.
SS&G’s plan, Wellness@Work, incorporates physical fitness, wellness education
and health services.
A six-week fitness course is offered quarterly and includes programs such as self-defense, spinning and yoga. The classes
focus on teaching fitness basics and encourage the development of healthy fitness
habits. In addition to the course, SS&G participates in the Cleveland Corporate Challenge
and the Road Runner Akron Marathon.
In 2008, SS&G began offering on-site nutritional seminars. Employees can attend the
seminars in person or via videoconference.
The company also added a bimonthly wellness newsletter.
SS&G coordinates the administration of
annual flu shots for employees, hosts a smoking cessation program and brings in a
masseuse for inexpensive chair massages on
a regular basis. And, as part of its health insurance, SS&G provides a deductible credit program for all employees whereby individuals
can lower their annual deductible amount
by up to $800 based on health testing.
So far, more than 63 percent of SS&G’s
400-plus employees are participating in
Wellness@Work. SS&G’s health insurance
rates have been contained, increasing an
average of only 4.3 percent over the past few
years as compared to the average rate of 11