Adversity can be the key to success

Life is filled with challenges, and as soon as we finish dealing with one problem, another seems to pop up. As wartime leader Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
We may not be aware of it at the time, but how we handle challenges has the ability to change who we are, far beyond the current crisis. Some people are permanently crushed by adversity, while others take advantage of it and use it to achieve great success.
What’s the difference between the two? Attitude.
Refuse to step back
Years ago, I was involved in a terrible car accident. It happened a few weeks before I was to make an important television appearance to sell my Gazelle trainer in front of millions of viewers.
With over 200 stitches, my face looked like a mess. But despite everyone urging me to cancel and hire a substitute, I knew I was the only one for the job.
Realizing that part of my success came from people trusting me, I told my viewers, “Look, it’s not what happens to you in this life that matters. It’s how you respond to it.”
Not only did sales go through the roof, but the audience was inspired to feel hope in their own lives. It marked a turning point in my career.
Look at tough times as an opportunity, rather than a setback. If you use a bad break as a wake-up call and take on the challenge, you’ll probably find you can rise above it.
And remember to maintain a positive mindset. Nothing is more essential than having a good outlook. This doesn’t mean being deluded about your difficulties — it means avoiding negativity and defeating yourself before you begin.
Go ahead, I dare you
Once you determine to overcome the challenges before you, be prepared to use everything at your disposal. Humor, perseverance, passion and positivity are key tools to help you achieve your goals.
Go ahead and take risks. The more desperate things look, the less you really have to lose. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. But if you make the decision to push forward, you open up a world of possibilities.
Also, keep in mind that while taking that first step is extremely critical, it won’t be enough by itself. Be relentless in the pursuit of your goals; otherwise your initial push will be wasted.
Most crucial of all, remember that character is the most important part of who you are, and it plays a huge role in overcoming difficulties. Never compromise when it comes to standing by your principles.
Make the choice
Nobody escapes tough times in life, no matter who you are — rich, famous or powerful. But how you deal with setbacks makes a difference, not just in resolving the immediate problems but in setting the tone for your future.

Make the choice to deal with adversity with determination and a positive attitude. Not only will you find it a powerful tool to overcome your challenges, you’ll discover new opportunities that weren’t there before.