Many companies have community service initiatives; many companies haveemployees who participate in their community service initiatives.
At Blue Technologies Inc., that’s notenough.
President Paul Hanna has helped to construct and maintain a corporate culturethat values motivation as much as participation when it comes to communityinvolvement. Hanna doesn’t want employees to join in the company’s communityservice projects just because everyone elseis doing it or because they’re concerned itmight be a negative reflection on them ifthey don’t participate.
Hanna wants his employees to participate because they have a genuine interestin making their communities better placesto live and work.
Hanna and his management staff inspirethe company’s work force to get involved,first by modeling the kind of behaviorthey want practiced and then by raising awareness of social issues through working with nonprofit organizations.
Blue Technologies’ community servicephilosophy centers on a core belief thatvolunteer service and philanthropicendeavors provide a win-win situation forall involved — the company, the nonprofitorganization and, above all, the peoplebeing served.
Since its founding in July 1995, BlueTechnologies has been among the arealeaders in community service. Since 1996,the company has been the lead sponsor forthe Berea Children’s Home and FamilyServices’ annual charity golf outing. Thelead sponsorship is the equivalent of a$15,000 cash contribution. In addition,Blue Technologies gifts 30 radio spots and150 giveaway items in connection with theevent. About 40 percent of the outing’ssponsorships have come through contactsat Blue Technologies.
Each December, employees volunteertime and money as the company holds a holiday party for disadvantaged area families. Every year, the party provides 900 areachildren and families with holiday gifts,food and a chance to enjoy the holiday season.
Blue Technologies is also involved in anumber of other area charities, includingOur Lady of the Wayside, United Way, TheGathering Place, The Cleveland BrownsFoundation, Cavaliers Youth Fund (formerly known as Cavaliers Charities),Habitat for Humanity and the Alzheimer’sAssociation.
HOW TO REACH: Blue Technologies Inc., (216) 271-4800