A technology solution is just a conversation away

As companies kickoff the year, many are looking to address nagging business issues. However, some might not realize that there are technology solutions available that can solve those problems.

“Business leaders are able to identify their companies’ bottlenecks or talk about ways of operating that would help them accomplish their goals, but not many know that there are technological solutions to these problems,” says Jessica Dynia, Branch Sales Manager at Blue Technologies, Inc. “The first step — identifying the problem — is easy. Finding a solution is the challenge.”

Smart Business spoke with Dynia about evaluating organizational challenges with an eye toward technological solutions.

What challenges are companies looking to solve with technology?

Companies are increasingly concerned about security — both cybersecurity for the protection of their data and networks, as well as for on-site visitor management. Other important areas for change are around making jobs easier for their teams. For instance, they’re seeking solutions to improve connectivity in an increasingly hybrid work arrangement. They’re also looking to improve efficiency to reduce expenses as companies brace for potential economic headwinds.

One solution for on-premise security that’s seeing more implementation is artificial intelligence. AI-powered security cameras can utilize vehicle and face recognition to identify when unauthorized personnel are in places they shouldn’t be.

Cloud solutions are also on the rise as new remote and hybrid arrangements have organizations shifting away from on-premise hosting. Cloud solutions are enabling seamless work sharing and file management, enabling tasks to be completed across teams and departments regardless of where the work is being performed. And newer solutions in print management are allowing employees to send documents from home to printers at an office.

How can companies find the right solutions?

Determining what technology initiatives to implement in an organization starts with a conversation. Gather people from across departments to identify challenges that create bottlenecks, and learn what opportunities could be reached if a better solution was available. Then, have a discovery conversation with a technology partner who can co-author a solution with your organization. Talk to them about strategic planning and review information that’s been collected. The better partners will extend those conversations by conducting a needs analysis, gathering more details through further discussion with the right people, then discussing the technology solutions available in the market that could address those issues.

Some vendors wait for a customer to give them an order and then just deliver product specifications. The better partners will talk through the organization’s initiatives and how they might add value. The former leads to a purchase. The latter leads to solutions.

What makes a good technology partner?

Business leaders have a number of technology options that could help drive organizational improvement, reduce risk and create a competitive advantage. But that doesn’t happen just by purchasing software or new equipment. Leading companies into the future means introducing the right new technology to address specific challenges. A business review with the right technology partner can uncover issues and opportunities and connect them with the best technology solution. They can also help with implementation and be a partner along the way to troubleshoot issues if they arise.

Technology vendors often have broad exposure not just to the latest technology offerings, but also to the common challenges companies across industries face. They gather best practices and bring them to bear when those issues arise with other customers, helping to address problems faster and with the right solution.

Experience is everything. Working with consultative technology vendors can lead to a partnership that enables companies to have the most current solution to each new challenge they find. There’s no need to do alone. A solution can be just a conversation away. ●

INSIGHTS Technology is brought to you by Blue Technologies, Inc.

Jessica Dynia

Branch Sales Manager



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