Lead by example. You have to be
consistent in what you do. If I
were to show up at 8, 8:15
every day and leave at 4:45 or
5, I’m going to have a company
full of people doing that.
I’m usually the first one in
my company every morning.
While I’m not always the last
to leave, I know what I’m
going to be doing the next day,
and I expect my people to do
the same thing. It puts you on
an even playing field — I’m
not asking you to do anything
that I cannot do or that I do
not do or I do not believe in
You have to be consistent in
your message. Once your message is established, you have
to live it and not be afraid to
make decisions. Leading by
example is accentuating the
positives and putting the right
people in positions to be successful for the outcomes that
you desire for your company.
Repetition is a good thing. If
you focus on a message and
are consistent, it comes to take effect, comes to take
hold of your organization. If
you stay consistent and don’t
ever stray from that, then, in
time, people are going to
understand and your organization will understand this is
the way we’re doing things
going forward.
Keep focused on your message. The most important thing would
be to not lose focus of your
message. Whether that message is energy, enthusiasm, you
have to live it and breathe it
every single day because consistency is going to be the No. 1
reason a leader’s message gets
established and followed. So
consistency in the message
and the self-confidence to
know that you are the leader
and are making the decisions that are the best fit for your
group and company.
If you let up on your belief in
that message or that goal or
vision, then people are going
to let up on it, as well.
The simple answer is to
recommunicate. I’ve seen the
mistake made that when business is good, people often forget where they’ve been, and
that is a motivating factor. All
ships rise in high tides … so
when the ship’s not rising,
tide’s not high.
You’ve always got to be
prepared with what to do for
when the tide is high again. I
like to consistently refocus
our efforts and remind people of where we were and
what we focused on in the
HOW TO REACH: The Cyril-Scott Co., (740) 654-2112 or www.cyrilscott.com