A big chance

Andrew E. Harold Jr.
A. Harold and Associates LLC

Andrew Harold, CEO, A. Harold and Associates LLC

All of Andrew E. Harold’s experiences as a trained musician and as a U.S. Navy helicopter pilot have proven instrumental in running A. Harold and Associates LLC.
Harold serves as president and CEO of the company, which provides technology, education, engineering, training and management services for both the public and private sector in the United States and abroad. He started the business in 2003 while keeping his day job, but by 2007, he finally was able to become self-employed full time. He knew the risks of leaving a well-paying, full-time job to fulfill his dream of owning his own business, especially with a wife and three children. In spite of the risks, he also knew that he had a lot of passion for having his own business and a drive that could make him succeed.
He earned an SBA certification early on, and his company immediately started winning large contracts from the U.S. Marine Corps, Jacksonville Airport Authority, Army Research Institute and Naval Surface Warfare Center. In the last few years, the company has also been able to earn contracting efforts involving a multiyear project to support Everglades restoration from the Army Corps of Engineers.
Harold places a large emphasis on building relationships with both large and small businesses, and he also focuses on strong communication. He recognizes that if he runs his business using these types of principles, it will bring him many new opportunities for the future.
Under Harold’s leadership, his big risk paid off, and it has been worth the challenges. The company has been ranked as one of America’s 500 fastest-growing companies in 2010 by Inc. magazine. It is also ranked as the No. 3 African-American run company in the U.S. with a three-year growth rate of 1,564 percent. The company is also ranked as the No. 29 company in the government services industry and No. 182 overall.
How to reach: A. Harold and Associates LLC, (904) 265-1940 or www.aha-llc.com