The key is really integration — making diversity part of the business plan, part of strategic choices, how you execute and operate, which builds and sustains it in every core process. The notion that every person’s ideas, everywhere, every day must be fulfilled gives you a competitive advantage. It’s hard to speculate in terms of how another company might approach diversity and inclusion, but we’ve experienced diversity helping us maintain a global competitive advantage — being recognized as the best consumer product. Diversity helps us understand, learn from and serve consumers. This mindset helps us meet our vision to be the best now and for generations to come.
Q. Does having a diverse work force affect customers even if they do not see the employees?
Many times, the consumers may not be fully conscious of a company’s diverse work force, but by having work force diversity, employees can add insight as to how people live and shop. What that insight provides to consumers is a deeper understanding of what drives their shopping and buying habits — to better provide products consumers would want. Internally, a diverse work force provides innovation and a deeper understanding of all consumers. This, in turn, means the company understands their customers.
Q. What tangible benefits does a diverse work force provide to a company?
It’s imperative when thinking about winning with consumers and growing your business. Hiring a diverse group will mean that you can have more insight into the needs of a wider range of people. Diversity is no longer only physical attributes — it is culture and way of thinking. Take into account that the consumer doesn’t have a face — the consumer is everybody, so having a functional diverse work force will allow you to better serve customers and keep their business.