Mark Tager: Why employees never stop studying you for clues about your business

We live in an era of decreasing trust in many organizations and institutions. Ongoing Gallup polls document the erosion of trust that people have in leaders of government, religion, military, health care and business. While fostering trust is always important, it takes on greater significance when the environment becomes unpredictable.

In a predictable environment, people have one foot firmly planted in the system. So, even if leadership is lacking, they can at least count on the system. In an environment marked by transition, however, the stability of the system is taken away. Striving for grounding, people turn to the source most likely to provide stability — their leaders — and hope to find a measure of consistency and trustworthiness. 

During times of upheaval, people are operating from states of withdrawal and hypervigilance that alter their perceptions.

They are looking to leadership for cues as to what is going to happen next. They are scrutinizing your words, body language and tone of voice and comparing it with their picture of the “normal” you. And, because human beings have the tendency to “awfulize,” they may create in their minds unimaginably bad scenarios just from the frown on your brow or the sigh in your voice.

By focusing on the elements below that build and reinforce trust, you can help to minimize anxiety and regain the focus of your people.


Remain humble

Continuous improvement is both an important perspective and a useful process for any leader to entertain. Your personal and organizational journey is not finished. Little can be gained from resting on your past accomplishments. Humility helps foster trust.


Use self-deprecating humor

Having a good laugh at your own expense will go a long way toward fostering a sense in others that you are approachable. Self-deprecating humor is also infectious. It encourages others to lighten up as well and be more open about their issues and concerns.


Admit to being wrong

Few things score more trust points than your ability to admit your mistakes. Changing environments are, by definition, mistake prone as people proceed by trial and error. Externalizing those mistakes has a double benefit. First, it fosters trust — the fact that you’re human. Second, it actually sets up a forum for defining and solving problems.


Honor your word

In an unstable environment, you may find that you give your word in good faith, but then something happens and you have to go back on what you said. Such reversals are normal in change. When they happen, however, be proactive in telling people what happened and why you had to reverse yourself. As long as you’re straight with people, they will trust you and work to deal with the situation.


Project openness

Studies show that people who disclose information — and get others to share — are perceived as trustworthy. Openness allows communication to proceed in two directions. It gives permission for people to approach you not only with feelings, but also with the information and suggestions that you need to become a more effective leader.


Name: Dr. Mark J. Tager

Title: CEO

Company: ChangeWell Inc.

Changewell Inc. is a San Diego-based consulting and training company that works with clients to guide personal and organizational change and increase productivity. The company provides training, speaking and consulting programs to guide transformation. Mark’s latest book, “Transforming Stress into Power,” is available on


How to reach: Changewell Inc., or [email protected]