While critics often point out that computers and the Internet are making people more detached and impersonal, BlueBridge Networks LLC with its total solution concept is very customer-centric on a face-to-face basis.
“We schedule frequent calls and meetings to sit down with clients and explore their impressions on how well we are serving them,” says Kevin Goodman, partner and managing director of business development.
The company offers business continuity, disaster avoidance and recovery services, providing a safe haven for IT systems necessary to keep any company in business.
Client and vendor feedback is used to improve and deliver a better quality of service. Daily staff meetings among other matters discuss any issues that have occurred within the previous 24 hours or over the weekend. Specific action items and tasks are assigned with deadlines for completion. Additional sessions are held to not only address an issue but to look ahead to try to predict changes that may be needed in the infrastructure or to identify class instruction that should offered or certifications that may be needed to obtain optimum performance of service.
The staff at BlueBridge Networks understands how important it is to maintain trust. Service level agreements guarantee a 99.999 percent uptime. To help accomplish that exceptional guarantee, the staff is proactive and honest to the maximum degree. Personal relationships are developed to include deep trust and comfort. There is a strict set of protocols and service levels that have been adopted to ensure sophisticated client objectives.
“We must do all in our power and means to see to it that we provide an environment and atmosphere of availability, reliability and security,” Goodman says. Customers have come to rely on those principles at BlueBridge Networks for their day-to-day operations and compliance.
In addition, the company with its business partners is actively committed to developing a consortium of IT specialists to offer additional core competencies and added value services.
How to reach: BlueBridge Networks LLC, (216) 621-2583 or www.bbnllc.com