When H.C. Starck was facing the recession three years ago, it improved its manufacturing efficiencies, boosted the quality of its products and made management changes ― all which allowed the company to remain profitable.
In fact, as part of the improvements, the operation of the company’s Fabricated Products Business Unit in Euclid under CEO Dmitry Shashkov has become very efficient and streamlined. It produces specialty metal products used in industries such as aerospace and medical. With continuous improvement as the goal, employees have been working on optimizing production and business processes. They are using a variety of techniques based on the Japanese kaizen philosophy. More than 1,000 measures play a key role in increasing the facility’s competitive ability.
In 2011, H.C. Starck began implementing lean manufacturing procedures across the corporation. Many key employees were trained to become green belts in the Six Sigma program. A number of supervisors and engineers went on to reach the black belt level. Production efficiency, product quality and on-time delivery all improved, and the company became a Tier I supplier to corporations such as Siemens, Sikorsky, ABB and Boeing.
Along with the enhancements achieved through lean manufacturing, H.C. Starck realized benefits from going “green.” Beyond just regulatory compliance, the company introduced environmental systems to assure consistency and the ability to make continuous improvements.
The company recycles 100 percent of its waste metals and oils. But the efforts don’t stop there. A product safety department has been established to make sure that the materials and products do not harm either the environment or those who purchase and use the products.
In addition, company management encourages employees to speak up and contribute improvements within their respective departments. Employees are committed to do their individual part to make the “whole” a better place to live in and work in throughout the world.
How to reach: H.C. Stark, (216) 692-3990 or www.hcstarck.com