Team spirit

Bob Williams, president, Atlanta Spirit LLC

Each year, Philips Arena — run by Atlanta Spirit LLC and President Bob Williams — receives 2,000 applications for roughly 200 positions. Hiring the right individuals to provide a world-class customer service experience is the company’s main priority, so Atlanta Spirit has developed an extensive, robust training course designed to equip each new employee and existing employee with the necessary tools to achieve their service brand promise.
Once new employees are hired, they must attend a four-hour orientation that covers all necessary information for arena operations, and trains them on how to elevate simple tasks to create an even better experience for the customers who attend events in the area year-round.
After orientation, each employee works a four-hour shift with an existing employee, who becomes the new employee’s mentor. During a new employee’s tenth shift on the job, the person’s mentor shadows them to ensure that all processes and procedures are being observed.
Atlanta Spirit hires employees based on their desire to add value to the customer service experience at Philips Arena. Employees must quickly identify customer needs, find ways to create a shared experience and discover new ways to develop a “stickiness” factor that will get customers wanting to come back to the arena for future events.
But as much as the company expects its employees to provide in regard to the customer service experience, Atlanta Spirit strives to do the same for them. The company has implemented an employee retention program that rewards employees on an ongoing basis, based on the belief that recognition is a motivator to providing great customer service.
The Philips Arena customer service department has created a recognition program that includes recognition for one employee each month, who is selected to receive a gift for their work. The department also recognizes star performers each year at a staff banquet.
How to reach: Atlanta Spirit LLC, (404) 878-3000 or