How Terry Duperon promotes entrepreneurship at Duperon Corp.

Terry Duperon
Terry Duperon, founder and chairman, Duperon Corp.

Before research and development was even a department at Duperon Corp., Terry Duperon was already ensuring it played a major role in the vision and direction of his company. From the launch of the company in 1985, Duperon has emphasized that ongoing innovation in ideas and technology would be critical in moving his company forward as a leader in manufacturing mechanically cleaned barscreens and complementary equipment, which is used to manage wastewater, storm water, raw water intakes, beautification and barriers for fish and other aquatic life.
In fact, it’s largely because of Duperon Corp.’s ever-evolving product lines and its patented designs that other vendors are unable to compete. Duperon, who serves as chairman, says the company’s goal is to obsolete itself every seven to 10 years, because if it doesn’t, someone else in the market will. And the result has been impressive, as the company has achieved continued year-over-year growth, with several years of more than 25 percent annual growth.
Duperon’s passion for entrepreneurship is clear to his employees, but it also extends to the community, where he serves as a business mentor and teacher. Duperon teaches a course on entrepreneurship called Duperon Education, which employees and community members attend. Through the course, he teaches others with an entrepreneurial spirit how they, too, can harness the ability to invent and recognize opportunities both in life and in business. Ane he plans to keep spreading his passion for entrepreneurship by leading and motivating his employees to pursue their dreams
Despite the challenges of the recession, Duperon’s ability to inspire his team and be an innovator in engineering, design and manufacturing technology has brought his company continued success, receiving recognition in a variety of publications.
How to reach: Duperon Corp., (989) 754-8800 or