A better way

Bahadir Inozu, founder and CEO, NOVACES LLC

In September 2004, when Bahadir Inozu founded NOVACES LLC, he chose “advancing process improvement” as the company slogan.
The slogan has been representative of the company’s culture from the start. The business philosophy of Inozu, CEO of the management consulting firm, shines through in the company’s values: the highest standards and best practices in work performance, an immaculate reputation and integrity, and solid results on which to build success.
Inozu is the kind of leader who rolls up his sleeves, working shoulder to shoulder with his employees to address client needs.
Just as NOVACES was being established, Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. Inozu was among those who resolved to rebuild the city, deciding to keep his company headquarters in New Orleans and leave his position as a tenured professor and chair at the University of New Orleans to focus his full attention on NOVACES. In the wake of Katrina, Inozu’s leadership enabled his company to grow and prosper for six consecutive years.
While Inozu faced the challenge of transitioning from academia to the business world, he understood the biggest challenge was relying on others. He entered into promising partnerships and hired the right people to invigorate the business. He overcame the cultural challenges by sticking to his communication strategy, which today still contributes to the growth of the company.
Management consulting firms are competitive when they remain a step ahead of the organizations they support, and leaders such Inozu must build internal capabilities that allow the firm to continuously refine its understanding of client needs. Inozu’s experience in applied research has enabled NOVACES to stay ahead of the curve and become an industry thought leader.
How to reach: NOVACES LLC, (855) 668-2237 or www.novaces.com