Engineering success

Chief R. Davis Owner, president and CEO, Chief Solutions Inc. and Chief Contractors Inc.

Chief R. Davis, owner, president and CEO of Chief Solutions Inc. and Chief Contractors Inc., has been in the sanitary engineering industry for more than 28 years.
In 1985, he started Chief Contractors Inc. to begin installation of sewer systems and related work. Davis founded Chief Solutions Inc in 1999 with a brand name that better fit the engineering and wastewater industry, and Chief Contractors remains an active company and hard assets holding company.
For more than 20 years, Davis has grown Chief Solutions into a successful and competitive business that keeps up with the latest technology and trends in the sanitary engineering industry and pre-engineering evaluation and inspection services, providing crucial engineering data for more than 108 million feet of storm and sanitary sewer lines. He holds several patents on inspection equipment and renewable energy patents in the United States and abroad and is always open to new ideas pertaining to the market and his business to help move the company to the next level.
His company has offices in Texas, Louisiana, Georgia and Indiana, with plans to expand into several more states in the near future. Davis has continued to provide his clients with the very best service  and strives to complete all projects on time and with exceptional service.
Davis is a hard-working business leader who continues to look for growth opportunities and ways to put his company ahead of competition. In 2007 he was inducted into the National Hall of Fame of the National Association of Minority Contractors and in 2010 he was awarded the Minority Mentor of the Year Award by Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum.
HOW TO REACH: Chief Solutions Inc., (713) 202-8573 or