Problem solver

Don Byrne, founder and CEO, Byrne Medical Inc.

Of the numerous products patented by Byrne Medical Inc., founder and CEO David Byrne holds 12 of those patents. That’s because since before he even launched the company, he’s lived its mission of using innovation and creative thinking to create products that solve real client problems.
Byrne started the company in 1997 as a part-time business in his home. Having already founded his first entrepreneurial venture − an endoscope repair company – he was working frequently with technicians to repair scopes. In talking to a technician, Byrne discovered that the water bottle connected to the scope for testing was never cleaned. Other technicians confirmed this, so Byrne began raising funds to produce the Endo SmartCap cleaning solution for small local repair businesses. By reinvesting initial revenue in the company, after two years he turned Byrne Medical into a full-time business.
Much of Byrne Medical’s expansion is the result of his commitment to both new business development and building a staff of dynamic thinkers. In addition to challenging himself to think outside the box, Byrne leads and encourages employees to think independently. His team spends most of its time on relationship building and educating the company’s customers − including nurses and technicians − on how to use its products to improve their current practices. Byrne makes it a priority to ensure that every customer’s needs are always met.
Byrne is also involved in building relationships with domestic and international partners, companies and communities. Solidifying these relationships has benefited Byrne Medical in many ways, such as expanding distribution opportunities and ensuring there are more new products in the pipeline for clients. In addition, as a forward-thinking leader, Byrne has developed a strong company infrastructure to support exponential growth and ensure that his company can react even faster to customer and industry needs.
How to reach: Byrne Medical Inc., (800) 490-9868 or