How litigation time capsules can help a company minimize legal risk

Kevin M. Zielke, Member, Dykema Gossett PLLC

Understandably, the company mindset is always to be looking forward. So, when a company hits a milestone with a product it has had in the development pipeline for a lengthy period of time, the natural inclination is to pause (briefly) to celebrate the accomplishment, before turning attention to the next product. This pattern of constantly looking to the next and the newest challenge is essential to continued growth and innovation, but it is also the source of major problems when, after several years have passed since approval, a product becomes the focus of litigation that has the potential to sprawl into hundreds, even thousands, of cases.
This puts the company into “panic mode” as it is confronted with the need to make critical strategic decisions in a highly compressed period of time based on an overwhelming amount of fragmented and incomplete information — often with no reliable guide to explain the company mindset during the approval process and to shed light on why certain actions were taken while others were not. Litigation “time capsules” are a proactive step intended to help address this problem.
“Litigation time capsules are designed to capture relevant information and key documents, and to identify and clarify the mindset of decision-makers at the point when product milestones were achieved,” says Kevin M. Zielke, a member and the practice group leader for the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Litigation practice group at Dykema Gossett PLLC. “All of this information would be captured while memories are fresh and documents are close at hand, and then would be stored away such that, if the product faced litigation down the line, the company would have ready access to it. Armed with this information, the company is in a much better position to make the important strategic decisions necessary so that it has the best prospects for litigation success.”
Smart Business spoke with Zielke about litigation time capsules and how they can help a company minimize litigation risk.
Why are litigation time capsules so useful and why don’t more companies utilize them?
The problem is that when something good happens — a new product has made it through the development pipeline to approval, for example — no one wants to spoil the party by raising the possibility of future litigation. That, however, is precisely the time when undertaking this effort is imperative. The ounce of prevention that a company gains by taking the additional time and effort necessary to work with its attorneys to develop these time capsules has the potential to provide pounds of cure when, in the event of litigation, the company can avoid being caught flat-footed by the informational disadvantage that often exists at the outset of litigation.
While these time capsules can prove enormously helpful in the products liability context, where the company faces the prospect of many lawsuits being brought relating to a particular issue, they can also be used when significant corporate transactions or real estate deals are concluded. Essentially, they provide a snapshot of the then-existing facts, circumstances, key players and driving forces at the time the product was approved or the deal was done.