At the click of a mouse

When Roll-Kraft Inc. went down the list
of ways to make a greener culture, it
checked off the usual: switch to energy-efficient light bulbs, turn down heat after
hours, trade in gas-guzzling company
cars, and discourage the use of plastic
foam and paper cups. And then, it went one
step further.

In efforts to cut paper consumption, Roll-Kraft eliminated printing all sales materials, magazines and brochures and moved
to an electronic quoting process for product shipping. These days, clients and
potential customers of the Mentor-based
tube, piping and equipment manufacturing
company are directed to the company’s
Web site for updates and information.

Emphasis on the Web site isn’t only an
environmentally friendly idea, though.
Roll-Kraft is using it as its link to the world
and has seen success. As Roll-Kraft continues to transcend U.S. borders and evaluate its place in the global market,
Charles Gehrisch, the company’s president, hopes to make time zones irrelevant
with technology. By delivering information through one format, Roll-Kraft’s
objective is to better serve its existing
clients while attracting more customers
anytime, anywhere.

To spruce up its online image and accessibility, Roll-Kraft hired a webmaster to
make the site easier to navigate from a
global perspective. The vamped up image
makes it easier to access information and
employees, such as the inclusion of an
“Ask the Tech” feature.

The site continues to be a work in
progress as Roll-Kraft looks for ways to
grow and meet customers on a cultural
level. With representation in 10 countries,
customers in 50 countries and the possibility of soon extending its operations past
the U.S. and Canada to Eastern Europe,
Roll-Kraft is analyzing ways to incorporate
the global reach throughout the entire
company, including its marketing, product
and employee bases.

As an effort to better serve customers,
that global employee focus means hiring
in-country personnel to manage Roll-Kraft
facilities, hiring bilingual employees, training existing employees in a second language and researching customers’ customs. To stress an even greater emphasis,
this year, Roll-Kraft expects to add an
international account manager to help
polish its approach to the global marketplace.

HOW TO REACH: Roll-Kraft Inc., or (440)