A powerful (and underutilized) growth strategy

Imagine a strategy that fosters leadership, enhances business acumen, boosts your organization’s reputation and opens doors to new opportunities. As you consider your sales strategy, think creatively by including nonprofit board service — a powerful, underutilized tool for growth.

Benefits of service

When team members serve on nonprofit boards, they naturally act as ambassadors for your organization. This offers authentic representation of your company’s values and commitment to social responsibility. Here’s a closer look at the specific advantages:

*  Enhanced business acumen and leadership skills. Serving provides employees with real-world experiences that enhance their business acumen and leadership abilities. They gain insight that transfers to their roles within your organization.

*  Expanded networks and opportunities. Service fosters networking with like-minded leaders and professionals. These connections can lead to partnerships, collaborations and new business opportunities.

*  Natural leadership pipeline. Employees who excel in nonprofit board roles often demonstrate strong leadership potential, providing a seamless and cost-effective leadership pipeline.

Creating a growth engine

To transform nonprofit board service from a noble endeavor into a strategic growth engine, incorporate it into your organization’s individual development plans. Here’s a structured approach:

*  Include nonprofit board service in development plans:.Make service an optional yet encouraged component of your employees’ professional development plans. Identify those who express interest and are willing to commit to this endeavor.

*  Identify suitable nonprofit boards. Work with interested employees to find nonprofit boards that align with their skills, interests and your organization’s values so their board service is fulfilling for them and strategically beneficial for you.

*  Support the application process. Assist employees in the process of identifying, applying for and securing positions on nonprofit boards to increase their chances of successful placement.

*  Track and measure impact. Track their experiences and the subsequent impact on your organization. Monitor the development of their leadership skills, the expansion of their networks and any new opportunities that arise.

Leveraging for leadership

The benefits of integrating nonprofit board service into your strategic growth plans include:

*  Leadership development. Regularly review and assess the leadership growth of employees serving on nonprofit boards. Provide opportunities for them to apply their new skills within your organization.

*  Community engagement. Leverage the community presence and goodwill generated by your employees’ board service. Highlight their involvement in your marketing to reinforce your commitment to social responsibility.

*  Growth opportunities. Actively seek and capitalize on new opportunities and connections that arise from your employees’ expanded networks to drive growth and innovation.

This approach can serve as a cornerstone of your strategic growth plans. As a CEO or business leader, embracing and promoting nonprofit board service within your organization can yield substantial returns, both in terms of organizational capacity and market presence.

Amy Franko is CEO and LinkedIn Top Sales Voice at Amy Franko Associates

Amy Franko

CEO and LinkedIn Top Sales Voice
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