Who knew the stock market could befun? Just ask the participants inAccounting for Kids Day, sponsoredby volunteers from Rea & Associates Inc. at the firm’s seven Northeast Ohiolocations.
“Accounting for Kids Day allowsyoung people to apply the math skillsthey’ve learned in school in the realworld,” says Darlene Finzer, benefitplan services specialist at Rea’s NewPhiladelphia office. “Each year, weplay a stock market game that helpsteach financial literacy as it relates toinvestments by simulating the activityof the actual stock market. It’s a fun,interactive way to show the kids whatbusiness professionals do on a day-today basis.”
Today’s financial challenges make itmore important than ever for young people to understand the basics of economics.
The program is based on a fundamental belief at Rea & Associates that employees should seek to invest intheir family, their community and theirfuture. Each employee receives a laminated card and a framed copy of thefirm’s values that serves as a constantreminder of these ideals.
President and CEO Timothy I. Michelsays giving back to the community is avalue that employees truly live by.Their effort to volunteer comes out ofa pure desire to simply help othershave a better life.
Whether it’s teaching kids aboutaccounting, helping local food pantriesor taking part in the local Relay forLife, Rea employees have made givingback a priority in their lives.
The result is more than 4,400 hoursof community service and more than$262,000 raised for local communitiesand organizations.
Children have been a huge beneficiary of the firm’s generosity. In a tradition that began in 2006, an art contest allowed children the chance to submitoriginal artwork for use on the company’s calendar card. In appreciation forusing the art, a donation is made to thewinning youth’s organization. In 2007,the recipient was Big Brothers BigSisters of Northeast Ohio.
Kids have a way of remindingemployees of the last part of the firm’sphilosophy of service: Have fun. Enjoythe journey.
HOW TO REACH: Rea & Associates Inc., (330) 339-6651 orwww.reacpa.com