A golden opportunity

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Junior Achievement of Central Ohio Inc.

During those years from 1950 to 2000, JA has developed a vast network of support from educators, business leaders, students and parents and has established itself as the leader in business, economic and work force readiness programs.

Our unique partnership between schools and businesses provides that link between education and the workplace. In the 1999-2000 school year, more than 1,300 business volunteers went into schools to teach Junior Achievement classes. These consultants use their personal experiences and JA’s curricula to show students how a community works, how to balance a checkbook or what goes into running a business.

These programs are provided to the schools through the support of community businesses, large and small; charitable foundations; and generous individuals, whose funds enabled JA to impact more than 31,000 students this year.

As Junior Achievement of Central Ohio embarks on its next 50 years, we are asking that everyone “take stock in America” and invest their time, talents and resources in our young people. It is that interest and willingness to invest in the future that will keep JA strong into the 21st century. Jim Schultz is chairman of the board of directors of Junior Achievement of Central Ohio Inc.