The Relationship Challenge: one to one vs. one to many

In a world where the power of social networks is seemingly overtaking the perceived value of one to one relationships, I want to provide needed perspective on how you can go about impacting others.
The Vector Group’s design of a Relationship Capital Impact Model is predicated upon adopting a different mindset. It truly sets people apart and all can learn regardless of one’s specific industry, position or style. Above all else, you must genuinely care about serving others and enjoy seeing them thrive through your contributions.
Let us begin by providing a definition. Relationship Capital is the distinctive value created by people in a business relationship. RC is personal and derived from one to one interactions, because it represents the quality of your behaviors, traits and interactions over a period of time. It is a direct reflection of your character, as experienced by those who know you and can testify as to your qualities. Information is fast becoming a commodity and becoming a value-added knowledge interpreter, as it is part of the lifeblood of RC.
Foundationally, you need to possess the following attributes before advancing through the different stages of RC impact:

  • A quality that allows others to believe in you by what you say and do — words, intentions, and actions.
  • Integrity. A quality of honest and truthful motivations by the actions we take. It is our ability to deliver on the promise.
  • Authenticity. The quality of being genuine and representing that we are.

With this in mind, here are the five levels of the RC Impact Model:
Level 1: Subject Matter Expert
Possess deep domain experience and are perceived as being authentic, creditable and trustworthy. Though seen as a problem solver, stakeholders still do not view these individuals as critical to the business.
Level 2: Voice of Reason
Viewed as a critical thinker and creative problem solver that share different perspectives. These individuals can challenge others and offer alternatives.
Level 3: Trusted Adviser
Perceived as the best in their field, these individuals help others understand the ramifications of different options.
Level 4: Indispensable Resource
Those in this level are consulted before any major decision is made. They are able to offer unexpected insights impacting the person and their business.
Level 5: Business Accelerator
Seen as a value creator and as someone who advances business. Empowers others to achieve more and advocates on their behalf. At this top level, their impact centers around revenue enhancement, risk or cost avoidance, ease of doing business and organizational development contributions.

As we learn and grow from this process of thinking, remember we live in a world of plentiful networking opportunities where our challenges are to not unveil more connections, but unleash more meaning. Furthermore, it is about investing in people to exchange relationship currency, accumulate reputation capital and build professional net worth.

Marc Rosen is the founder of The Vector Group, a Cleveland-based boutique consulting firm that focuses on driving value creation strategies for businesses that want to achieve more with their performance, human capital and positioning in the marketplace. Marc mentors early stage growth companies through JumpStart Inc. and provides guidance to the Strategic Account Management Association. He has served on the board of National Machine Aerospace and The Council of Small Enterprises. Visit