How to help employees with chronic health conditions

Living with a chronic condition is a reality for many Americans. estimates that more than 125 million Americans live with at least one chronic illness. It is predicted that by 2020 that figure will rise to 157 million Americans.
The National Center for Health Statistics defines a chronic disease as any illness that lasts three or more months. The most common chronic conditions include heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, autoimmune disorders, lung disease and multiple sclerosis.
For many, living with a chronic condition means living as much of a “normal life” as possible, and that would include being part of a workforce.
“Living with a chronic illness is especially difficult for persons who need to work every day,” says Debi Vieceli, RN, a cardiac care manager for UPMC Health Plan. “Employers need to know how they can help employees as much as possible to lead normal, productive work lives.”
Smart Business spoke with Vieceli about ways that employers can help their employees with chronic health conditions.
How should an employer assist an employee who has a chronic condition?
First, you need to recognize the fact that a chronic illness can disrupt a person’s life. It can affect a person’s appearance, their physical abilities and independence. The employee might be tired quite often and in pain.
Among the things an employer can do is to encourage employees with chronic conditions to seek out support groups, where they can share experiences and learn about coping mechanisms. If possible, an employer could enable such a group to be established in the workplace, or facilitate communication between employees who live with chronic conditions.
How do chronic illnesses affect your health care costs?
Seventy-five percent of health care costs are driven by lifestyle-related chronic illnesses. That’s why it’s so important to use case management, wellness programs, and health and productivity solutions to manage these employees and their related health care claims.
What kind of advice can an employer give to employees with a chronic condition?
It’s essential that persons with chronic conditions be personally involved in their own treatment.
Becoming an active participant in your treatment is one way to decrease the stress of the situation. Exploring treatment options and developing relationships with caregivers is also a positive step for a person with a chronic condition.
Following a healthy diet is important because good nutrition can result in better health. Those with chronic conditions should follow all special dietary instructions and be aware of the food decisions they make on a daily basis.
Are there tips that make sense for a person with a chronic condition?
For everyone, exercise is important, but that is especially true for persons living with chronic conditions. Walking or working out at a gym is good for the whole body and being able to do this can help you to feel better about yourself.
Remember, before starting any exercise program, talk to your doctor about what works best for you and what would help you develop a proper level of fitness.
Because people with chronic conditions are usually on a medication regimen, it’s always good to develop some sort of reminder system. This will enable people to be sure they are taking the right medications and at the right time.

Nothing is more important to a person with a chronic condition than making healthy choices. To prevent the exacerbation of existing chronic conditions, you need to stop smoking, eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise.

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