Think about what you can do to make Chicago a better place to live

The Chicago Children’s Museum is an example of what can be accomplished when civic groups and the corporate community work together toward a common, worthwhile cause.
More than 400,000 children visited the museum last year and a steady flow of dynamic new exhibits and carefully crafted educational programs will likely lure even more families in 2015.
The importance and the potential benefits of working together were driven home for me in a big way when I read a piece in our October issue written by Diana Shulla-Cose, the founder and president of Perspectives Charter Schools.
Shulla-Cose wrote about the tragic death of 16-year-old Shaquise Buckner just before the start of the school year last fall. She called out Chicago’s business leaders to step up and demand that Chicago’s most violent communities take an active stand against violence and work to find solutions. She wrote about David Storch, chairman and CEO of AAR CORP. and his eagerness to support the “I Am For Peace” march and documentary that Perspectives students led last spring.
Storch sent dozens of AAR employees to march with the students — and Storch himself was out in front as one of the grand marshals. He even spoke at the Peace Jam for students following the march.
“Our young people have made their voices heard,” Storch said. “Now, our work as leaders is to ensure that all children are living in safe environments.”
As you make plans for what your company will seek to accomplish in 2015, think also about what you can do to make your community a safer place. One person can indeed make a big difference.
Share your experience
Over the past year, we have assembled a strong collection of leaders from across Chicago to write advice-oriented columns. Each individual offers a unique perspective based on his or her experience as a leader and each has found a way to share valuable lessons.
It’s not always easy to put your thoughts down on paper and share advice with others. Some feel like they aren’t in a position to offer advice or feel like other people wouldn’t respect what they have to say.
But the fact is we all learn through sharing.
Our publication is all about the exchange of ideas regarding what it takes to succeed in business. If you’ve got an opinion to share, along with a track record of experience as a president, CEO or other C-level position in a company or civic organization, we invite you to reach out and bring us your ideas.
Experience is great, but if you haven’t done a lot of writing in the past, don’t let that stop you from giving it a shot. I’m happy to work with you to help develop ideas and shape your column to convey the message you want to share.
So give it some thought and maybe we’ll see you on these pages in the future. ●