How to keep them coming back again and again

Why do you think there are so many businesses that offer the same product? How do these businesses survive when there is someone else selling exactly the same thing? Isn’t the competition out there unbelievable and at times, brutal? The answer to these questions relies on the uniqueness of your service.
Many stores do sell products that are very similar. Take televisions, for example. They come in a big box and most have the same features and benefits as the others. Why should someone buy your product over the one sitting next to it on the shelf if the features are basically the same?
The answer is customer service.
In my early days as an entrepreneur, I knew my customers loved gifts — an unexpected surprise that would always deliver a smile to their face. It was one of the best ways for me to thank them and to keep them wanting more. It was given as a token of appreciation for their loyalty to my business.
On one occasion, I remember creating a catalog with cutout pictures as a way to showcase the product that I was able to sell them. It was an opportunity to give great prices and it became a hook in my promotions. The price I set up was killer and the product by itself qualified as a traffic builder.
Some people would say, “This guy is nuts. He is giving away his product.” But at the end of the day, it was a gift for my customers and it provided an opportunity to sell them even more.
Here are a few more tips on how to please your customers.
Provide free delivery
Adding a free delivery can go a long way toward helping to close a sale. When a customer has to pay to take the item he or she just bought to their home, they may think twice about whether they really want to buy it. By adding free delivery and other benefits, such as loyalty programs that include gifts and discounts, you’ll keep your customers coming back to you again and again.
Get employee buy-in
Make sure your associates are on-board with what you’re doing and never forget that they are you in the eyes of the customer since they are representing your business. The more educated they are on your products and services, the more trust they will develop with customers. This professional knowledge can be another reason for your customer to stick with your business.
Retailers can find a number of benefits that open the customer’s eyes and create loyalty. Low interest offers, return policies, same-day delivery, extended warranties, etc. Involve your vendors in the process and they can help you keep your margins.
Understand your customer; understand what your niche is and what turns the key on getting that customer to come to you to fill their needs.
Exceed expectations at every turn and your business will stand out from the crowd. ●