Knowledge is an important tool when employees make health care decisions

Employers can play an important role in strengthening the way employees and health care providers interact and make health care decisions.
A more informed partnership can lead to better outcomes, higher satisfaction, lower health care costs and improved productivity, says Anne Presson, Director of Benefits Innovation at Woodruff-Sawyer & Co.
“If your employees have a better understanding of how to have a productive conversation with their physician, and they have the tools to make better use of their time together, instead of three visits to reach a conclusion, it could be one visit,” Presson says. “If each visit is a half day of work missed, that can make a big difference.”
Boosting engagement between patients and physicians is an opportunity for employers to have a meaningful impact on the patient experience and ultimately cost. Making sure your employees are health-literate and empowered to make good health decisions is key. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate that you care about the health of your employees and their families.
Smart Business spoke with Presson about what employers can do to create more understanding between employees and health care providers.
How can a company empower employees to become equal partners in making health care decisions?
Let’s say you’ve had a cardiac event and are referred to a specialist. You can do research on your condition on the Internet, but it’s not always evidence-based or from a reputable source and is sometimes left to interpretation. You go to the appointment nervous and without a clear awareness of what you’re facing.
The doctor comes in and tries to explain what’s going on, but he or she is starting from scratch.
You walk out not really remembering what was said. The result is a series of follow-up phone calls that might result in the need for another appointment just to get a clear understanding of the options available, to say nothing of selecting a treatment option.
How can the relationship be strengthened with decision-support tools?
Programs are available to help employees be more educated about their particular situation before they meet with their physician.
The Choosing Wisely campaign from the American Board of Internal Medicine and Doctella by Patient Doctor Technologies Inc. pose frequently asked questions about common conditions such as lower-back pain, headaches and heart disease.
They don’t replace the doctor’s visit, but allow you to do your homework before your appointment so you can have a more informed conversation with your physician. These and other decision aids have been developed by medical societies which lends credibility for both the patient and provider.
They address key questions such as what are the implications of the available treatment options? Do you really need this test? What happens if you wait?
The more prepared you are with evidence-based guidelines and key questions prior to your appointment, the more comfortable you’ll be with your decision. Armed with knowledge, you are able to work in partnership with your doctor to select the treatment and recovery plan that best fits your individual needs.
Where does a company begin in providing these tools to employees?
Providers often speak of wanting to have a closer relationship with employers to understand what’s going on with the populations they serve. Regardless of size, we encourage employers to take advantage of the opportunity to build a partnership with key providers. Incorporating decision-support tools into the mix is not only valued by employees, but providers see the benefit of having educated patients and will work with you to support these efforts.
How do you encourage employees to use the decision-support tools?
At the end of the day, of course, it’s every employer’s struggle to maintain awareness and get the tools to people at the right time.
Since employees are more likely to make changes when directed by their physician, it makes sense to take advantage of this powerful avenue. By working together with providers, you will be able to empower your employees to make well-informed decisions about their health and maintain a healthy and productive workforce. ●
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