Medical Mutual 2011 Pillar Award
for Community Service — Columbus
METTLER TOLEDO, a leading global supplier of precision instruments and services, cares about the tiniest details ― and it shows in its support of the United Way of Central Ohio, which awarded the company its highest honor, the Corporate Award of Excellence.
Ken Peters, head of North American Market Organizations, endorses the campaign in countless ways, from the establishment of new initiatives and goal setting to the implementation of innovative ways to encourage employees to contribute more volunteer time and financial donations.
Each year, campaign co-chairs meet with Peters to discuss all aspects of pledging and fundraising. He offers to support activities in any way possible. Among his efforts are many personal time commitments: engaging in face-to-face discussions with employees about United Way, communicating UW information in quarterly leadership calls, including UW content in monthly staff meetings, conducting at least one staff meeting each year at a UW agency, joining employees on volunteer visits and participating on a UW board.
Peters’ commitment to United Way inspires others to embrace his dedication. He encourages committee members to be creative about messaging and to embrace it with fresh eyes so that they can continue to promote the importance of their efforts to others in the company. Peters advocates a focus on impact areas of education, income, health and home.
The campaign also involves thanking those who donated. Most notably, Peters and his staff thank donors during regular quarterly meetings and in different venues, including leadership calls, “ride-along” visits and other face-to-face conversations.
METTLER TOLEDO employees also volunteer for causes such as Meals-on-Wheels, Mid-Ohio Foodbank, Community Care Day, Faith Mission, Wendy’s Chili Open, Operation Buckeye and United Cerebral Palsy.
In addition to raising approximately $50,000 for the Japan earthquake, METTLER TOLEDO contributed almost $200,000 to United Way through its employee pledge process, company-match program and variety of fund-raising activities.
One more key philosophy that Peters employs is that he encourages employees to be advocates of United Way, not with any sense of pressure, but with a sense of personal commitment and dedication to something in which they believe.
How to reach: METTLER TOLEDO, (614) 438-4511 or www.mt.com