Health Care
Early in his life, Jason Beans suffered a broken nose which received inappropriate medical treatment. In addition, the medical billings persisted over an extended period of time, and the situation nearly bankrupted his family. This experience drove Beans to research and develop a system for patients and companies to benefit from improved quality of care and decreased medical costs.
At age 29, Beans founded Rising Medical Solutions to provide medical cost containment and care management solutions. He is dedicated to developing a system which provides patients with quality health care, medical providers with faster payment, and insurance carriers/payers with proper billing information.
Beans’ determination to leave a positive impact on health care and our world is his greatest passion.
While the numbers for Rising clearly show its success, Bean does not measure success on revenue, but the tangible impact he makes within the health care industry and on each person.
Whether it’s his one-on-one coffee chats (“Beans with Beans”), weekly anonymous employee polls, an online portal for continuing education and leadership training (Rising University), or the numerous other avenues for team bonding and personal growth Bean has established at Rising, the emphasis that he instills within the culture of Rising to promote leadership and focus on building strengths creates a formula for success.
Beans ultimately envisions developing a tool in which patients can shop for a doctor or surgery based on price and quality. Through his focus on technology and top talent, he hopes to lead the consumer-based health care initiative to create complete transparency within America’s health care system. By removing the worries about money, Beans believes this will help everyone focus on what’s really important: the patient and treatment.
How to reach: Rising Medical Solutions, www.risingms.com