How Taseer Badar followed his instincts to build Altus HMS into an industry leader

Taseer Badar, President and CEO, ZT Wealth/Altus Healthcare Management Services
Taseer Badar, President and CEO, ZT Wealth/Altus Healthcare Management Services

Health Care
Taseer Badar
President and CEO
ZT Wealth/Altus Healthcare Management Services

The genesis of Taseer Badar’s healthcare venture — Altus Healthcare Management Services/ZT Wealth — was the observation that despite a large rise in spending, physicians suffer from a steady decline in professional fees.
This is due to declines in health care benefits from insurance companies and government sources in a climate of increased patient load and increasing liability insurance.
Badar’s goal was to ensure the benefit of the health care dollar to health care professionals who are prime movers of such spending. Badar, Altus’s president and CEO, wanted to invest in physicians’ success and bring cutting-edge technology to the health care arena.
Despite early skepticism from both health care executives and medical practitioners,
Altus HMS/ZT Wealth has grown in both experience and assets.
With only seven years in the industry, Altus HMS has grown to include three surgical centers, six outpatient hospice companies, durable medical equipment, practice management, infusion, a physician-grade vitamin line and a wellness practice.
The company is continuing its growth strategy in 2013 with the addition of three stand-alone, fully functional emergency room locations along with the planned purchase of three additional hospices.
Badar has infused Altus with his entrepreneurial spirit by investing in the business and encouraging his executive staff to do so as well. Personal investments in the company have afforded Badar and his executive team heightened accountability for their business decisions and pronounced dedication to the success of the venture — a management strategy that is reaping impressive rewards.
Badar works hard to “see the invisible” and understand where his company needs to go before the rest of the market does. He firmly believes that the best place for personal investment is in his own firm.
“I don’t like gambling in the market,” Badar says. “I want to invest in what I know, and I know my firm.”
How to reach: Altus Healthcare Management Services,