Archives: Articles

How to encourage progressive change in your business

The world is changing at a rapid pace and as business owners and entrepreneurs we have to change with them. Without constantly modernizing processes and offerings you could easily find yourself out of business. Just look at Hollywood Video and Blockbuster. Opportunities are easily lost if we don’t stay on top of changes and aren’t willing to make the changes that will help us and our business grow.
Here are five ways to encourage progressive change in your business.

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Furry fans unite for Anthrocon

If you’re fascinated with animal characters, Pittsburgh is the place to be. The world’s largest convention for anthrpomorphics will be held from June 30-July 3, which includes a fursuit parade for spectators.

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Stop and smell the Roses at the Columbus Park of Roses

Tucked away in Clintonville, within the larger Whetstone Park, the Columbus Park of Roses is a unique and renowned park within rose circles. Explore to one of the largest public rose gardens in America, in our enhanced digital edition of Smart Business Columbus.

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4 strategies to improve bottom line, generate leads

It pays for business owners to pay attention to how well they are attracting sales leads and making sure that customers can find you where they searching for solutions — online. To break through to your audience, here are four sure-fire strategies to generate leads and cement brand loyalty for years to come.

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Jeff Rodman and his team help bring people closer

The idea of gathering in a conference room and connecting with another party halfway around the world is commonplace today. Polycom helped make it happen. Learn how Jeff Rodman helped lead a team that changed the way business gets done.

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