Leadership philosophies can be found just about anywhere — even in the children’s book, “Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel.” Just ask students in the organizational leadership major at Franklin University.
At the request of program chair and Franklin President Dr. Paul J. Otte, students Steve Gammill, a Columbus police commander; John Schmitt, Air National Guard logistics training instructor; Brett Holtegel, vice president of Gahanna construction company Mark-L Inc.; and Marcy Depew, full-time student and part-time Franklin employee, familiarized classmates with leadership principles and processes and then assigned Virginia Lee Burton’s 1939 book as required reading.
Leadership qualities unearthed in the book — which is about Mike’s refusal to abandon his steam-powered friend, Mary Anne, upon the arrival of newer shovels — include selflessness, courage, loyalty, flexibility and determination.
Maybe we could all use a trip to the children’s library.
How to reach: Franklin University, organizational leadership major, www.franklin.edu/acadprog/olm.html, 341-6300